Individual Therapy

You know something just isn’t right.

But you don’t know how to fix it. So you Google, looking for answers, looking for the magic answer. And now you’re even more overwhelmed.

Everyone seems to know the answer; yet everyone has a different opinion. So, you try something from a forum, read a book, joined a facebook group… and it has helped a little but not nearly enough… and you don’t even know if you’re doing it right!

Some puzzles are difficult to solve alone.

Imagine being able to give all your pieces to someone who can help them fit together, to make you whole again. Someone who knows what they’re doing. Someone who can build steps and bridges from one piece to the other.

Someone who understands your life’s daily struggles can create a manageable plan and generate valuable change to your thought patterns and actions.

It is time for a new, meaningful, and healthy life.

What’s better than working one-on-one to create meaningful change in your life with someone who knows what the heck they’re doing?

It’s time to create new thinking patterns, generate new healthy actions, and put those pieces of your life back together to create a new zest for life.

Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies can get you there!

Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy are broad terms for therapy that is evidence-based, problem-specific, and goal-oriented.

It seeks to identify and replace harmful, unnecessary, and unhealthy behaviors – both thoughts and actions – with positive, healthy, and socially significant behaviors. You can learn all new behavior, and all behaviors can be changed.

Acting, Feeling, Thinking

Goals focus on changing a way of acting – a behavior; a way of feeling – less depressed, anxious or fearful; a way of thinking – problem-solving and changing thinking patterns.

It is unlike traditional talk therapies as it is action-based and focused on the present challenges (vs the past). Concentrating on a person’s views and beliefs about their life, not on personality traits. Replacing ways of living to give one more control over their life.

Because of this, behavioral therapy tends to be highly focused. Specific behaviors (remember both thought patterns and actions) are targeted to replace with new behaviors in order to minimize or eliminate the present issue.

Learn To Be Your Own Therapist

My therapeutic goal is to teach you how to become your own therapist by providing a toolbox full of strategies, tips and tricks that will enable you to evaluate your thinking and manage problematic behaviors. Building your confidence to accurately know how and when to apply each strategy as life throws each curve ball your way.

You have nothing to lose, everything to gain.

Stop being idle, stop struggling, and stop settling for less. You only get one life, and it’s time to start living!

Simply contact me at (203) 208-8434 to see how I can be the catalyst to your change!